About Us

Paragon Supported Housing CIC is set up to support people out of homelessness. We have developed a specialist knowledge and experience in housing with support services. Our model that gives onsite care and support for individuals who are dealing with homelessness, addictions, mental health and domestic violence situations. The residents begin to receive support as soon as they move with us as they may have underlining issues which need to be addressed in order to sustain their tenancies.

We therefore meet the resident and form a relationship with them in order to establish what their wants and needs are. By doing this we can create a tailored support plan for our residents and give them the greatest support possible. Physical and mental health issues can be addressed; addictions and trauma worked through with case management and support of local services and training in social skills like budgeting, self-care, food and nutrition can be delivered. Our main focus is to provide our residence with the best possible chance to get there life back on track to move on and live independently. Without providing the adequate level of support we are setting them up to fail continuously.

After we have given all this support to a resident and the time comes for them to move onto their new home and to begin living independently, we offer our help in finding them a place that’s affordable and right for them.

Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to empower people and therefore everything we do is person-led. We listen and understand to each person’s situation, we can provide a suitable home and appropriate support to suit the needs of the individual.

Our Values

Our Tenants

The happiness and well being of our tenants is our no one priority. We arecommitted to provide the people we support with the highest quality of services, ranging from support and the highest standard of accommodation from different ethnicity backgrounds in an inclusive manner.


We work closely with Local Authorities, care providers, landlords, property developers, charitable organisations and referral agencies to provide a high-quality specialised service tailored to meet each individual support needs, this helps our tenants on the road to recovery leading to independent living.


Paragon Housing mission is passionate and is driven by its mission statement, which is to deliver high standard of accommodation, quality service, long term growth and giving back to the community. We are fully committed to providing people we support with a home for life.

Long Term Plans

The happiness and well being of our tenants is our no one priority. We arecommitted to provide the people we support with the highest quality of services, ranging from support and the highest standard of accommodation from different ethnicity backgrounds in an inclusive manner.


Paragon Housing

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